


Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council


9 weeks

The Meadows Road footbridge replacement is part of a larger scheme to improve the Nelstrop Road North path which connects with part of the wider Heaton Cycle links.

The proposed footbridge replacement comprised of a single bridge with a span of 7.36m and a clear square width of 4m between parapets. The soffit level of the new bridge was 600mm (freeboard) above the 1 in 100-year flooding event level plus climate change. Due to existing narrow access off Carnforth Road, the structure was to be delivered prefabricated to site in as two bridge halves. These were to be bolted together once installed on the abutments. Each bridge half were steel beam construction comprising of steel PFC beams to both sides of the deck, steel transverse members, deck plates and parapets.

The site operation had the multiple challenges including:

  • The proposed bridge position clashing with utility services 
  • Restricted access to the site due to existing narrow access 
  • Time constraints as works to remove necessary trees was required to take place before the nesting season of the local wildlife
  • Extensive pedestrian management and maintenance was required as the site was a busy access route for local walkers/cyclists 

Prior to and during the works, local residents were updated with letter drops and posters advertising the proposed scheme and providing them with useful information about the project. We also liaised with local groups including Elaine Mitchell Group Scout Leader for the 21st Stockport Scout Group to ensure a smooth project throughout. 

As our proposed bridge position clashed with the utility services, we liaised with the client and the designers to accommodate a new position downstream. Furthermore, as a result of the restricted access, we utilised a new piling sub-contractor with a reduced sized rig in order to install the piles. Working in a main river caused restrictions including installing pipe work to allow continuous uninterrupted flow and protection of any contaminants (including concrete) being discharge in close proximity to the river. 

After continuous liaising with the 21st Stockport Scout Group, we organised the installation of temporary screening as part of our commitment to social value to aid extra privacy screen for the group while the newly install haw-thorn bushes mature.

We met all programme outcomes required of the project, whilst also undertaking additional works. This allowed for the work to be completed in the allotted time, especially before nesting season of local wildlife. 

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